



xenoesstrogens cause

What are phytoestrogens?

Correct Dose of progesterone

Dangers of Progestins

No Estrogen Use

Thyroid Use

Testing for progesterone in the body


Troubleshooting failures in cures
 Questions and Answers - FAQ

Summary for the Solution


Recommended Reading

Get Natural Progesterone

XENO FREE Natural Makeup better than Organic Cosmetics helps prevent ovarian cysts caused by Estrogen Dominance (Click Here!)

Explore Some More Xenoestrogens Read about Theo Colborn’s Life on Crusading against Endocrine Disruptors


premenstural syndrome have the same cause


Stories of Ovarian Cysts Treatment


Testimonial Anecdotal Stories of Ovarian Cyst Cures Cures

Dr. Lee claims that he has had very good successs using progesterone treatment for ovarian cysts. Here are several vignettes.

by Elizabeth Smith, M.D.

Ovarian Cyst Gone! Hysterectomy Avoided!

3 years ago I decided to have an ultra sound to determine why I suffered such debilitating menstrual cramps, my gyn only found a very small ovarian cyst and sent me on my way with some advil. 3 years later I started having chronic urinary type infections and on the 3rd visit was told I had a huge fibroid or cyst. I immediately had another ultra sound and found the cyst had grown to 7.5 centimeters. My gyn than wanted to do immediate surgery and explained that if they can't drain it that most likely I would need a hysterectomy. When I asked why and how cyst occur, his only answer was that it is complicated. So I went home got on the Internet reviewed hundreds of web sites and found no reasonable explanation for cyst formation until coming upon the women's therapeutic institute. I ordered the progesterone right away and fortunately Dr. Lee was going to be speaking in my city. After hearing Dr. lee lecture on ovarian cyst Natural Progesterone treatment, I began to get a grip on what was happening to me. At this point I was in chronic pain from the cyst pressing against my bladder, and had developed chronic odor in my urine for 6 months that even the antibiotics could not cure. Waiting to start the progesterone treatment, I began to make the recommended changes i.e. switching to organic food changing soaps, make up, etc., after using the progesterone for just 3 days the odor and pain started to diminish. I have now been on the program for 5 months and have no symptoms everyone tells me I look a 100% better I sleep better and feel fantastic, and the best bonus of all I NO MORE MENSTRUAL CRAMPS. This is what the medical profession is supposed to do, help make you well, not put you on a table and sacrifice your womanhood. My husbands niece was recently diagnosed with the same condition I had and went forward with the surgery which resulted in a hysterectomy, now she feels hysterical and depressed and I think that could have been me. Perhaps surgery is necessary in some cases, but it is well worth your time to take responsibility for your health and at the very least try to make your self well before you make that decision.

Within one month I had NO PAIN (I have Endometriosis).

This is my testimony. This is more than you want probably but chop out anything you don't need. I had the scraping surgery for endometriosis April 16, 2002. In 3 months the endometriosis was back actually worse than before. They put me on birth control pills for 3 years. I didn't realize that the birth control pills allowed the endometriosis to grow unchecked. They basically just reduced the soreness somehow and gave me a false sense that I was getting better. By the time I realized I wasn't getting better, but worse, it was everywhere. My gallbladder was removed in 9/2004 and the surgeon took pics of the endometriosis for me. My gyno took one look at the pics and said something had to be done but she wouldn't touch me. I foolishly waited until May 2005 but found a wonderful doctor who did a surgery not considered conventional. He had 20 or 30 years experience in treating endometriosis and someone that had the surgery told me about him. By now:

the soreness was intense,
I couldn't hold my urine,
I urinated constantly,
I had a constant headache - nothing made it go away,
My skin hurt to touch it,
I had diahrea a lot and it would hit with no warning
Depression had started
My joints ached and I was convinced I had lupus or arthritis or cancer.
I couldn't sleep due to the pain and only had 1 week a month that I did NOT have intense pain.

The surgery worked. I was hospitalized for 5 days and wore a cathater for 3 weeks. But over a couple of months - most immediately, the pain went away. I had a life again. There is a 90% success rate with this surgery. But I was the worst he'd ever seen. THey cut out part of my small intestine and bladder because the endometriosis had piereced them. They burned off the peritoneum (however you spell it) from all my internal organs. It grows back in 7 days.

Well, about 1 1/2 years later, the pain came back in my bladder area. To urinate was getting painful for about 3 days. Then over 3 months the pain got to the point where walking was painful at times. The pain was probably about a 7. I would be walking and just stop and take a deep breath. I was crying and terrified because surgery wasn't going to help. That was obvious and I almost lost my bladder the first time Dr. Kelly said.

On November 6, 2006 I stopped all xenoestrogens - I went full force - detergent, hair products, food, no makeup. On November 13, 2006 I ordered the Indole 3 Carbinole and started taking it when I received it along with all the other vitamin recommendations. I ordered the Progesterone oil but I am not sure of the date. I started with 1/2 dropperfull and now use 1 dropperfull a day. Within one month I had NO PAIN. The next month I cheated in small ways - chocolate mainly and some spices. Unfortunately I cooked with a lot of oregano and thyme. I had minor pain (2). My last period was great so I am cheating with a little hairspray right now (this week). My ovarian cysts seem to be better also. They had left for 1 1/2 years as well and started coming back in May 2006. Combined with the endometriosis, the ovarian cysts are extremely painful.

I hope you can use some of this. If it's way off base, please let me know and I can do something else. Basically, I was a case that had no hope and your methods seem to have worked with no knives to boot. My gyno is completely for it. Marcy L., Tampa, FL and feel free to use my full name and city. I don't mind at all. I talk to a lot of women about monthly abdomen soreness because no one cares to research it or treat it and it's a horrible that can rob your life. It almost took mine. I will always be grateful to Dr. Kelly for cutting it out and you for keeping it from growing back.

Marcy L., Tampa, FL , Jan 17, 2007
Marcy L. has graciously agreed to email anyone that wants to know more.
luthmarlaura @ yahoo.com

Ovarian Cysts are Gone, Cramps are Gone, NO MONTHLY BLOATING AND MOOD SWINGS!


Thank you so much for your wonderful product. For the past several years I have suffered from severe endometriosis, ovarian cysts, MONTHLY BLOATING AND MOOD SWINGS, debilitating cramps, and infertility. I have had multiple surgeries to remove the endometriosis and spent nearly six months enduring the hot flashes associated with receiving Lupron injections. When my doctor wrote me a prescription for the birth control pill in October to try to control the endometriosis, it was the last straw. I couldn?t bear the thought of putting more chemicals into my body, and I knew there had to be a more natural way of dealing with the endometriosis. So, after searching the Internet, I found your product and decided to try it.

After eliminating a majority of the phyto- and xenoestrogens mentioned in your information packet and trying the progestelle treatment for 2 months, I was amazed at the results. My ovarian cysts are gone, I had no MONTHLY BLOATING AND MOOD SWINGS, and—for the first time in my life--I had absolutely no cramps with my period. I was ecstatic—this is the best I have felt in years. I have shared my story with my friends, family, doctors, and colleagues, and everyone has been amazed. In fact, my physical therapist was so amazed that she tried it for one month with the hope that it would help shrink her fibroids. It did. Recently she had an ultrasound, and her doctor was shocked to see that the fibroids had totally disappeared. As a result of me “spreading the news” to everyone who will listen, I have had numerous requests to try my Progestelle and to borrow the information packet that you sent with my initial order. Unfortunately, one of these requests resulted in my information packet getting lost. If possible, would you please send me another information packet? (Or several more—they are awesome marketing tools for the Progestelle and I would love to be able to give them to friends who are interested so that they might purchase the Progestelle and enjoy the same success that I have found.)

Thank you so much for your help. You are making the world a healthier and happier place—one woman at a time.


Jennifer C. , Pittsburgh, PA Jan 8, 2007

Ovarian Cyst Went Missing!

Hi Doctor,

I want to thank you your website has once again saved another person's life !!!

My doctor told me to come back and see her after 3 months and if my ovarian cyst at 7 cm is still there, I would need a surgery. I returned in 2 months time to make sure I was ok.

When I found out I have ovarian cyst few months back, I searched the internet for answers and keep coming back to your website and bought your items. But I didn't use them.

However, I did follow your instructions.

NO coffee.
Take vitamins E 600 iu before you sleep, magnesium, vitamin B6, etc.

and most of all, can you inform the world. DRINK lots of WATER. especially during our menstrual cycle.

I never drink a lot but my mother in law told me to drink LOTS of water and I did....

When I went to have a check up recently, the doctor could NOT find my ovarian cyst. It went missing !!!

Thanks to your natural healing to ovarian cyst...and inform the world your natural methods actually works ! I still have your bottle of Progestelle - unused....its a good souvenir for me.....

Best Wishes and THANK YOU !!!

Jovee T., Hong Kong, Oct. 10, 2006

Ovarian Cyst Gone! Hysterectomy Avoided!

3 years ago I decided to have an ultra sound to determine why I suffered such debilitating menstrual cramps, my gyn only found a very small ovarian cyst and sent me on my way with some advil. 3 years later I started having chronic urinary type infections and on the 3rd visit was told I had a huge fibroid or ovarian cyst. I immediately had another ultra sound and found the ovarian cyst had grown to 7.5 centimeters. My gyn than wanted to do immediate surgery and explained that if they can't drain it that most likely I would need a hysterectomy. When I asked why and how ovaraian cysts occur, his only answer was that it is complicated. So I went home got on the Internet reviewed hundreds of web sites and found no reasonable explanation for ovarian cyst formation until coming upon the women's therapeutic institute. I ordered the progesterone right away and fortunately Dr. Lee was going to be speaking in my city. After hearing Dr. lee lecture I began to get a grip on what was happening to me. At this point I was in chronic pain from the ovarian cyst pressing against my bladder, and had developed chronic odor in my urine for 6 months that even the antibiotics could not cure. Waiting to start the progesterone I began to make the recommended changes i.e. switching to organic food changing soaps, make up, etc., after using the progesterone for just 3 days the odor and soreness started to diminish. I have now been on the program for 5 months and have no symptoms everyone tells me I look a 100% better I sleep better and feel fantastic, and the best bonus of all I NO MORE MENSTRUAL CRAMP. This is what the medical profession is supposed to do, help make you well, not put you on a table and sacrifice your womanhood. My husbands niece was recently diagnosed with the same condition I had and went forward with the surgery which resulted in a hysterectomy, now she feels hysterical and depressed and I think that could have been me. perhaps surgery is necessary in some cases, but it is well worth your time to take responsibility for your health and at the very least try to make your self well before you make that decision.

Ovarian Cyst Gone with the Wind

Hi there,

Firstly, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me with my medical problem. I have ordered your product because my gynae discovered in June 2005 an ovarian Cyst on the right side, of around 3 cm diameter. She proposed to put me on contraceptives for three months and if she will not see any results to perform a laparoscopic surgery to remove the ovarian cyst.

I started searching on Internet and found your company. I have ordered your natural Progestelle, used it as per instructions and after three months my ovarian cyst was gone with the wind. Forever! Even my gynae was puzzled. CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU AGAIN. All my prayers for Dr Lee to rest in peace for his marvellous discovery. I would like to carry on with a maintenance treatment. How do I contact you. Should I go back on your page on Internet and follow the procedures or you send me a form by e-mail to fill in the quantity, my physical address and my credit card number. I live in Romania, which is located in Central Europe. Thank you for your help and hope to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Mirella D., Romania

Breast Cyst and Ovarian Cysts Improving

Dr. - your product has produced marked results in my case, I was on a path to increased cysts in my breast, ovarian cysts and other problems, in a downward spiral headed towards what I believe would have been an RX nightmare should I have gone to a traditional MD at that time. Now, things are definitely on the right track, reduced lumpiness, much relieved extreme tenderness (now only a little in the right breast, and I keep wondering if it is the right one because I tend to sleep on that side due to my nose etc. I wonder if fluids tend to flow to that side then.) I have not experienced an ovarian cyst and delayed cycle in quite some time (which happened quite often) and when the ovarian cyst did finally go, they created a endometriosis belly ache scenario that would last for a few days.

Not happening now, I'm sure thanks to Progestelle.

I am still guilty of not surrendering coffee yet! I have reduced my intake to just mornings instead of morning, afternoon and late afternoon. I have also tossed out a whole grocery bag of paraben-laden lotions, soaps, shampoos etc. That has been a bit of work, but fun to discover (just found at Walmart a brand called Nightingale Naturals, 100% paraben free is one of their focuses. Inexpensive and great stuff.) I do hope with final adjustments and a couple more months of Progestelle that I will resolve this problem, but still need to make other "adjustments" that I am aware of :(

One question - I do see a traditional doctor next week for a delayed annual check-up, I'm sure he will hound me for a mammogram at age 41 (which my husband is really against!). How do you feel about those? From what I've read, women with dense breasts make for a difficult read anyhow (I had one 2 years ago and it did show breast density) - that DMIST machines are the only ones reliable etc. with less exposure time. Curious your opinion on that - also I hate for them find a lump and want to biopsy when it just might go away etc. What do your other patients encounter? I have read online, maybe at some of your resources, that many women (including some friends) undergo dozens of biopsies for nothing at all. The new MD I will see seems to be open to alternatives, and I will tell him what I'm doing - hope he respects that (he is supposedly very well rated for "caring" and personal choice). I also expect him to question the thickness of my uterine linings (I have 2 uteruses) as sometimes one thickens, last time I was put on Provera or one of those (and I hated it!). I do hope for more time and adjustments before they try to do anything - I think traditional medicine does more damage than good sometimes.

In result - keep up your good works to spark women onto better health by taking control and making decisions. That is fantastic. Thanks for all you do and your advice. Your e-patient.

Michelle M. Two Rivers, Wisconsin

Editors note: For Mammogram advice read What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee, MD.

Follow up:

Hello Dr. Eckhart,

Just a quick note - I received my package, thank you very much. Just had my check-up, new GYN, thought you'd be interested to hear results. Explaining my use of Progestelle, I handed your booklet over to him, while asking if he was familiar with the term "estrogen dominance". He replied yes, while thumbing through your booklet. Then he looked up at me and said - this is good stuff, use it. He commented all the info., such as diet, seemed to be there and if I was following it - I was doing all the right things to help myself. Upon examination, he was very pleased to note that the left breast is practically fibro-free while the right breast has significant reduction cysts in just two months application (and one month prior elimination of parabens). One particular pea sized lump is virtually gone. He then exclaimed "Keep using this product - it's working." About the mammogram, he was very respectful of my desire to avoid one (and I did start reading Dr. Lee's book and see why) - so he simply remarked "be certain to know and check each month - call me immediately with any change."

I was very surprised, hope you find this interesting. I told my husband, I distinctly picked up on a look my doctor had on his face - sort of a "I can't believe I can't recommend this stuff ... or maybe "I can't believe I prescribe dangerous drugs instead because of the FDA etc. etc." Something of sick look. Interesting.

Thanks for all you do - and for most of all - caring for your e-patients. One last thing - in the case of we cyst in my breast patients, one of our BIGGEST frustrations is learning to self-exam when so many lumps make it so hard to figure out what's what. Any recommendations on that?? I still cannot feel certain that cyst lumps are just as such - though the doctor assured me they felt just like the regular cysts.

Thanks again!

~Michelle M. Two Rivers, Wisconsin